The EBSA has a brand new Class 1 Referee

René Elze from Shonebeck in Eastern Germany has become the newest EBSA Class 1 Referee and joins some very illustrious company in what is a fantastic achievement to pass such a rigorous test especially as it is René’s first International Event.
René a very quiet man who just goes about his business has been involved in Bundesliga and 100’s of German events. Ingo Schmidt who is the Referee’s Assessor at the Sarajevo European Championships said “He was thrilled to pass his Class1 exam and René who is a very quiet man did brilliantly. Myself and my two fellow Assessor’s Christoph Levin and Tryggvi Erlingsson really put him through the treadmill, but he passed with flying colors. All three of us want to congratulate René on achieving his Class 1 Status”.

Referee Assessor Ingo Schmidt is delighted to welcome René Elze to the Class 1 Club