Italian Referee Seminar

Last weekend saw one of our EBSA Referee Tutor’s Franz Meszaros travel to Milan, Italy to conduct a seminar for new Italian referees. We had a great turnout of 6 candidates who took part in the seminar with 4 passing on their first attempt and are now the first Grade 3 Snooker Ref’s in the country.
We would like to congradulate Andrea AMENDOLA, Massimo DEL BIANCO, Claudio VALENTI and Eugenio PALLUCCA on their achivement and look forward to them continuing to referee in Italy and hopefully at EBSA tournaments.
The seminar took place in the Ambrosian Snooker Club in Milano. The president of that club: Davide Coltro is currently promoting the sport not only in the region of Milan (North of Italy) but all over Italy and is hoping for the game to spread countrywide.
In addition, he has just bought 8 brand new Shender Steel-bloc Snooker tables to establish the first Snooker Academy in Milan with 4 tables with the other 4 tables making up two smaller academy’s in two other cities in the north of Italy.