The 2016 European 6 Reds, Teams (Ladies, Masters & Men) and Individual (Ladies & Masters) Snooker Championships to be held in the city of Vilnius, Lithuania

The dates of the Championships are as follows:
31st May – 3rd June 6reds Championship – Start Tuesday 31st May at 09:30.
3rd June, Official Opening Ceremony, Vilnius City Hall at 19:00
4th June – start of the 3 Team Championships (ladies, masters, men) at 09:30
4th June – start of the individual Masters and Ladies championships at 16:00
8th June – EBSA Annual General Meeting at Panorama Hotel at 18:30
10thJune – Finals of Individual Masters and ladies Championships at 18:00
11th June – Finals of the Team Championships at 16:00
PANORAMA Hotel, Sodu Street 14, 3211 Vilnius, Lithuania.
The room prices are as follows:
Single €60 – Twin €68 – Triple €90
Airport transfers
Upon arriving at the airport, everyone will be met by a Lithuanian Association representative who will direct participants to the local train, to travel from the airport to the city every 30 minutes between 0600-21:30. The cost of a ticket is €0.72c. The Panorama Hotel is located opposite the station. Further information is available at
Alternatively, and outside of the times above, taxi transport will be available with the Lithuanian Association preferred taxi partner. This information will be provided by the Lithuanian Association representative on arrival at the airport. Prices by taxi vary, although the average cost €15.
Venue with 16 tables will be located at Compensa Arena, Vilnius.
Transport will be provided between the hotel and the venue.
Practice facilities
Practice facilities will be available at 2 local clubs in the City. Practice will be free of charge from 09:00-1400. After 14:00 practice will be chargeable.
Entries for each Championship
6 reds – Maximum of 5 players per country
Team championships: 2 Players per Team – Maximum of 2 Men Teams, 2 Ladies Teams, 2 Masters Teams per country
Masters – Maximum of 4 players per country
Ladies – Maximum of 4 players per country
Each championship will require an entry fee of €60 per player(€120 per team). All entry fees will be paid as prize money in each championship, as per the EBSA Tournament Conditions.
A total of 32 international referees will be invited to the Championships. Referees arriving before 30th May will be required to pay for any accommodation. Referees will receive sharing accommodation on a bed and breakfast with one additional meal being provided through the day. Referees travelling to (Vilnius/ Lithuania) will receive an allowance (€100) to help them with their travel costs, during the Championships themselves.