EBSA 2019 European Championships in Belgrade are underway

Following the players introduction meeting this morning here in Belgrade where The EBSA Chairman Maxime Cassis and the 2019 European Championships Tournament Director Peter Thomas addressed the players and welcomed them to the tournament (9am Local Time Belgrade).
At 10 am the European ‘6 Reds’ Championship got underway with the defending champion Shachar Ruberg from Israel getting the tournament off and running with 15 other tables in play and the ‘6 Reds’ championship will continue throughout the next three days.
There is so much to look forward to from today right up until Sunday the 9th of June, Including the Ladies Championship, The Mens team event, the Ladies team event, Masters championship and Masters team event, plus an International Open.
Chairman of the EBSA Maxime Cassis said “I must congratulate the Serbian Snooker Association for making these championships possible here in Belgrade they have done a fantastic job and have worked very hard to make it possible and they have the full support and the appreciation of the EBSA. This I am sure will be a brilliant event and I am really looking forward to the various championships over the coming two weeks. We of course would also sincerely like to thank the co-operation of the various Serbian Government bodies and the Management of the Crowne Plaze Hotel for their support of these 2019 championships of Europe, may the best players and the best teams win, good luck to everyone involved”.