Decisions at Men/Mixed event last round-robin stage matches

The last matches between the 120 players at the Men/Mixed 2021 EBSA European Snooker Championships to get one of the 60 spots at the knockout stages are on the run at Albufeira’s VidaMar Resort Hotel Algarve.

This Sunday 12 o’clock and 2 p.m. session matches are the last ones on all the 30 groups and are still beng played best of 5 frames.

This October 10th last three sessions at the 16 tables – at 4 6 and 8 p.m. – will already have the beginning of the knockout stage with Last 60 playing best of 7 frames, as it will be until (and including) the semifinals. The Men/Mixed event final, to find who will succeed Welshman Andrew Pagett as European Champion, will be played best of 9 frames.