Coaching Course in Albufeira

The European Billiards & Snooker Association Coaching Foundation have just announced an EBSA Coaching Course will be held during the EBSA Championships in Portugal from 4th – 7th of October 2021.
The EBSA Coaching structure was set up to qualify a network of highly qualified snookers coaches throughout Europe and at present we have 90 active coaches who are approved by their own NGB spreading the word all across Europe.
EBSA Head of Coaching PJ Nolan from the Republic of Ireland will hold this EBSA coach education course.
Would you like to attend a Course?
If you would like to attend this coaching course, you need to ask your NGB to nominate you in writing to the secretary of the EBSA and then complete this official application form.
Only NGB approved coaches can become EBSA coaches. Once approval is received back from the EBSA you must then arrange payment of €250.00 to the EBSA to secure your place.
The Course fee
The Course are for the maximum of 6 persons. The number of courses held will be determine by the number of people paying the fee to do the courses.
The cost per person is €250.00 and this includes training for three days and a CD with all the files from the course plus your EBSA polo shirt and coaching card.
Only prepaid people will be accepted for the course and only a maximum of six people will be on each course. The duration of the course will be from 10am-5pm each day. This payment needs to be sent directly to the EBSA.
The EBSA will advise you how to send payment after receiving the nomination.
Course Aim
There are a number of aims we would like to achieve during this EBSA training course:
- Day 1: Role of Coach, Techniques, Demonstration of Shots, Good Coach vs Bad Coach.
- Day 2: Training Programs, Analysis of a player, Use of technology.
- Day 3: Written Exam, Planning Session, Practical Exam on the table and plan the probation period for your homework assignments
- Day 4: WPBSA Seminar with Chris Lovell
This course will give each coach the tools to train and guide players plus also give the NGB’s information to achieve a professional coaching structure within their own country.
The EBSA hopes that a Coaching foundation will be set up in each of the European member countries which will help to spread the awareness and availability of coaching which in turn, will promote interest and participation in each country. This will go a long way towards cementing snooker’s future within Europe.
The EBSA Coaching foundation will aim to offer each country a consistency of high class coach training and this accreditation to the EBSA will prove to be something that all coaches will be proud to have achieved.
The EBSA Course will:
- Give you the tools and techniques required to become a snooker coach accredited to an EBSA standard
- If you are an existing coach, adding to any existing tools and techniques to allow you to efficiently train players to an EBSA accredited standard
- Help you develop a training program structure for players of all levels
- Give you confidence to form a successful coaching structure within your own country
- Once you have successfully completed the course, which will include some intensive training, you will be offered the opportunity to become an EBSA accredited coach.
- During the EBSA course it is hoped we will learn from each other, knitting together our ideas and methods so that we end up as a team of coaches, rather than a group of individuals
Three steps to attend the course
1. Ask your own National Governing Body to write to the EBSA nominating you to attend the course and train to become an EBSA Coach.
2. NGB to complete the Application forms and email them to EBSA Vice President Ricardo Salgado : and copy to PJ Nolan :
3. Once you receive confirmation from the EBSA. Arrange payment of €250.00 to the EBSA
The first six confirmed coaches can only attend this EBSA course but if large numbers are interested a second course date can be arranged. I am sure everyone will enjoy the journey of becoming an accredited EBSA Coach.
For more Information on EBSA Coaching click on