At your feet, Chef Vassalo

Impressions from all the competitors, refereees and guestes who came to Malta for this European Snooker Championships are unanimous: the excellent food at Dolmen’s Hotel Menhir Restaurant is seducing and providing even better sensations to St. Paul’s Bay visitors.

The responsable is a Mediterranean cuisine fan. Chef Keith Vassalo is the one who organizaes and provides plenty and different special dishes everyday for the more than 500 people coming from more than 40 countries around Europe this Championships 2 weeks.

«It’s a pleasure that you’re enjoying it. We try to keep it healthy and being so close to Sicily and Italy, and in the middle of the Mediterranean, we should stick loyal to pastas and the healthy food and fresh good and fresh fish», told as the aged 45 maltese Chef with a smile, thankfull of the others gratitude for his hard work everyday, imagining the menus to please the 177 competitores ending this Wednesday the best of 5 Frames round-robin matches at the Men’s competition.